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An In-Depth Analysis of 5 Books That Might Change Your Life

The article will provide a detailed insight into these five books that could have a profound impact on book lovers’ or readers’ lives. For centuries, books have had a great impact on the human mind. A companion you will always want to keep. In addition, The lasting impact of books as companions that readers cherish for a lifetime Let’s break down all these books with a brief analysis.

  1. Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari
  2. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
  3. Men Searching for Meaning, by Victor Frankl
  4. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  5. Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

Sapiens: The Brief History of Humankind

Author: Yuval Noah Harari

Genre: Non-fiction
Year: 2011, Israel


“Sapiens” is a non-fiction book that provides a widespread overview of the history of humankind. The book traces the evolution of Homo sapiens, the species to which modern humans belong, from its origins in Africa to the present day. It covers various key milestones in human history, such as the cognitive revolution, the agricultural revolution, the rise of empires, the scientific revolution, and the technological advancements that have shaped human societies.


As a non-fiction book, “Sapiens” does not have traditional characters. However, it discusses the development of Homo sapiens as a species and explores the behaviors, beliefs, and cultures that have shaped human societies throughout history.


The book “Sapiens” goes through several overarching themes, including the history of human evolution, the rise of human civilizations, the impact of culture and beliefs on societies, and the role of technology in shaping human history. Harari examines the ways in which Homo sapiens have developed unique cognitive abilities, such as language, imagination, and social cooperation, which have enabled them to dominate the planet and become the dominant species on Earth. For instance, in this book, the author says,

An In-Depth Analysis of 5 Books That Might Change Your Life- Sapiens

“How many young college graduates have taken demanding jobs in high-powered firms, vowing that they will work hard to earn money that will enable them to retire and pursue their real interests when they are thirty-five? But by the time they reach that age, they have large mortgages, children to school, houses in the suburbs that necessitate at least two cars per family, and a sense that life is not worth living without really good wine and expensive holidays abroad. What are they supposed to do, go back to digging up roots? No, they double their efforts and keep slaving away.”

Another powerful quote from the book is, “Culture tends to argue that it forbids only that which is unnatural. But from a biological perspective, nothing is unnatural. Whatever is possible is, by definition, also natural. Truly unnatural behavior, one that goes against the laws of nature, simply cannot exist, so it would need no prohibition.” Indeed, eye-catching quotations will make you think about the world for a while. Encourage you to reflect on various topics or issues.

Writing Style

Harari’s writing style in “Sapiens” is engaging, accessible, and informative. He presents complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making the book accessible to readers with different levels of familiarity with history and science. Also, Harari combines scientific research, anthropological insights, and historical analysis to provide a thought-provoking perspective on the history of humankind.

Novel Elements

“Sapiens” offers a fresh and thought-provoking perspective on the history of human civilization, challenging traditional narratives and exploring the unique characteristics that have made Homo sapiens the dominant species on Earth. Harari’s interdisciplinary approach, combining history, anthropology, and science, provides readers with a compelling and provocative analysis of the human story. Also, the book has been widely acclaimed for its insightful observations and has become a bestselling work of popular science, sparking discussions and debates about the nature of human history and our place in the world. For those who are interested in evolution, and searching for a particular field to study further this book can initially help them to build their curiosity and make academic excellence for themselves.

Crime and Punishment

Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky

Genre: Psychological, Crime Fiction
Year: 1866, Russia


“Crime and Punishment” is a classic novel that follows the story of Rodion Raskolnikov, a poor ex-student in St. Petersburg, Russia, who commits a brutal murder and struggles with the psychological consequences of his crime. The novel turns inside and out into Raskolnikov’s internal confusion, guilt, and moral and psychological journey as he confronts the consequences of his actions and those effects on his family and friends. An internal war, a struggle to justify his actions.


The characters in “Crime and Punishment” are deeply complex, psychologically rich, and human. Raskolnikov is a multifaceted protagonist, torn between his intellectual beliefs and his emotional struggles. Other characters, such as Sonia, Porfiry, and Svidrigailov, also contribute to the story’s depth, representing different moral and ethical viewpoints. In the end, we all are human with the complexity of emotions, and the character development of Raskolnikov was well defined.


Dostoevsky’s novel explores themes of morality, guilt, redemption, and the nature of humanity. The moral and ethical implications of Raskolnikov’s crime and his subsequent internal struggle form a central theme. Guilt, both psychological and societal, is also a prevalent theme as Raskolnikov grapples with the consequences of his actions.

For example, in Part 1, Chapter 6, Raskolnikov says “To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s.” 

which reflects Raskolnikov’s rebellious and independent nature, as he grapples with his own choices and the consequences of his actions. Then the possibility of redemption and the power of forgiveness are also explored, as Raskolnikov seeks redemption for his crime and finds solace in human connection, particularly with Sonia. Additionally, Dostoevsky drives into the nature of humanity, examining the complexities of human psychology, morality, and the human capacity for both good and evil.

An In-Depth Analysis of 5 Books That Might Change Your Life- Crime and Punishment

Writing Style

The author Dostoevsky’s writing style in “Crime and Punishment” is characterized by its psychological depth and introspection. He drives into the inner thoughts and emotions of his characters, providing a vivid portrayal of Raskolnikov’s internal struggles and moral dilemmas. Dostoevsky’s written form is dense and philosophical, exploring complex psychological and moral concepts through rich and evocative language. He also employs symbolism and makes the story deeper into the themes and meaning.

Novel Elements

“Crime and Punishment” novel is notable for its psychological depth and exploration of the human psyche. Dostoevsky’s portrayal of Raskolnikov’s inner turbulence and moral conflicts is a unique element of the novel, as readers are taken on a journey into the depths of the human mind. The novel also incorporates elements of suspense and mystery as Raskolnikov tries to run away from suspicion and deal with the psychological consequences of his crime.

Man’s Search for Meaning

Author: Viktor Frankl

Genre: Autobiography, Narrative
Year: 1946, Germany


“Man’s Search for Meaning” is a memoir and psychological exploration of Viktor Frankl’s experiences as a Holocaust survivor and later on his work on the development of logotherapy, a form of psychotherapy that focuses on finding meaning in life. The book is divided into two parts – the first part details Frankl’s experiences in Nazi concentration camps, including Auschwitz, and the second part elaborates on his psychological theories and concepts related to finding meaning in life.

Characters: As a memoir, “Man’s Search for Meaning” primarily focuses on Viktor Frankl’s own experiences and reflections. However, the book also includes narratives and stories of other prisoners in the concentration camps, showcasing their struggles, resilience, and search for meaning amidst extreme suffering.


The main theme of this book, “Man’s Search for Meaning” is the human search for meaning and purpose in life, even in the face of unimaginable suffering and adversity. Frankl explores how having a sense of meaning and purpose can give individuals the strength to endure and overcome challenging circumstances.

In the book, the author quotes “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” (Part 1, “Experiences in a Concentration Camp”).

The quote shows the human capacity to choose how to react to situations and what makes their life meaningful. The author also drives into topics such as the will to live, the importance of hope, and the power of mindset in shaping our experiences and responses to life’s challenges.

Writing Style

Frankl’s writing style in “Man’s Search for Meaning” is introspective, reflective, and insightful. He draws on his personal experiences and observations to convey profound psychological concepts and insights in a clear and accessible manner. The writing is poignant and emotionally charged, as Frankl reflects on the horrors of the Holocaust and the resilience of the human spirit.

Novel Elements

The book “Man’s Search for Meaning” is unique in its blend of memoir and psychological exploration. Frankl’s personal experiences as a Holocaust survivor form the foundation for his development of logotherapy. He discusses this in the second part of the book. The integration of personal anecdotes, psychological concepts, and philosophical reflections creates a compelling exploration of the human condition and the search for meaning in life.

The Alchemist

Author: Paulo Coelho

Genre: Adventure, and Fantasy fiction
Year: 1988, Brazil


“The Alchemist” follows the story of Santiago, a young shepherd boy from Andalusia, Spain, who embarks on a journey to find his personal legend, which is his deepest desire or purpose in life. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles, meets different people, and learns important life lessons as he searches for a hidden treasure in the Egyptian desert.


Santiago is the main character and protagonist of the novel. He undergoes a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth throughout the story. Other characters, such as the mysterious Alchemist, the Englishman, and Fatima, play important roles in Santiago’s journey, serving as mentors, guides, and catalysts for his development.


Coelho’s novel explores themes of destiny, spirituality, self-discovery, and the power of dreams. The concept of personal legend, which represents one’s true purpose or destiny, is a central theme in the novel. Santiago’s journey is intertwined with spiritual and philosophical ideas. He encounters various omens, like Urim and Thummim, for guidance. These objects represent spiritual assistance and divine communication. Santiago engages in introspection and learns to listen to the language of the universe. The novel also highlights the importance of pursuing one’s dreams and overcoming fear and obstacles in pursuing personal growth.

There’s this quote from the book, “People learn, when they’re young, what’s going to be important to them when they’re old.” (Part 1, “The Boy’s Dream”) suggests that the values, beliefs, and dreams that individuals develop in their youth often shape their priorities and choices throughout their lives.

Writing Style

Coelho’s writing style in “The Alchemist” is simple, poetic, and allegorical. He uses concise and lyrical prose to convey Santiago’s journey, and the novel is filled with vivid imagery and symbolism that evokes a sense of wonder and mysticism. Coelho also infuses the story with philosophical and spiritual reflections on life, destiny, and the pursuit of dreams.

Novel Elements

“The Alchemist” incorporates elements of allegory and mysticism. It features symbolic representations of Santiago’s journey. The novel explores universal themes of the human quest for purpose and meaning. It also includes elements of magical realism, blurring the lines between the ordinary and the supernatural. This invites readers to reflect on the deeper truths of life. It is a fantasy fiction that offers a profound reading experience, providing insight into the essence of life.

Kafka on the Shore

Author: Haruki Murakami

Genre: Magical and Fantasy fiction
Year: 2002, Japan


“Kafka on the Shore” is a novel that tells the story of two main characters, Kafka Tamura, a 15-year-old boy who runs away from home, and Nakata, an old man who has lost his memory. Moreover, the novel weaves together their separate journeys and experiences, blurring the lines between reality and the supernatural. As Kafka searches for his missing mother and sister and grapples with his Oedipal complex (an Oedipus complex from Greek tragedy), Nakata embarks on a quest to find a lost cat, which leads him on a surreal and mysterious path.


The characters in “Kafka on the Shore” are distinct and memorable. Kafka Tamura is a complex protagonist, who struggles with his identity, desires, and fears. Nakata, with his unique abilities and childlike innocence, serves as a contrasting figure. Other characters, such as Miss Saeki, Sakura, and Oshima, add depth and complexity to the story. Especially Oshima, offering guidance to Kafka and providing insights into various literary and philosophical concepts. He acts as a mentor and confidant to Kafka, helping him on his journey of self-discovery the crow who is a conscious self of Nakata’s to the end.


Murakami’s novel explores themes of identity, fate, memory, family, and sexuality. The search for identity and meaning in life is a central theme. Kafka grapples with his sense of self and his place in the world. Fate and destiny also play a significant role. Characters often feel caught in a web of predestined events. Memory, both personal and collective, recurs throughout the story. Characters confront past traumas and try to make sense of their present reality.

“Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back. That’s part of what it means to be alive. But inside our heads – at least that’s where I imagine it – there’s a little room where we store those memories. A room like the stacks in this library. And to understand the workings of our own hearts we have to keep on making new reference cards. We have to dust things off every once in a while, let in the fresh air, and change the water in the flower vases. In other words, you’ll live forever in your own private library.” (Part 2, “A Boy Named Crow”)

This quote explores the concept of memories and their significance in shaping our lives. It suggests that memories are stored in a personal library within us. We constantly need to revisit and update them to understand ourselves better. It also highlights the transient nature of life. The importance of cherishing and nurturing memories becomes clear as a way to live on in our own stories.

Writing Style

The novel’s writing style of “Kafka on the Shore” is characterized by a blend of magical realism, surrealism, and existentialism. He employs vivid and often dreamlike imagery. He creates a sense of ambiguity and blurs the boundaries between reality and the supernatural. His prose is poetic, introspective, and philosophical. This draws readers into the rich inner worlds of his characters while leaving room for interpretation.

Novel Elements

“Kafka on the Shore” incorporates various novel elements that add depth and uniqueness to the story. The use of symbolism and allegory is prominent. With recurring motifs such as cats, fish, and rain adding layers of meaning to the narrative. The inclusion of parallel storylines, alternating perspectives, and nonlinear storytelling techniques creates an unconventional structure that challenges traditional narrative conventions.

These five books/novels are Kafka on the Shore, Crime and Punishment, The Alchemist, Man’s Search for Meaning and Sapiens; They have captivated readers with their profound insights into the human experience.

Every reader will feel the journey, and reading the book itself will be an emotional, intellectual turmoil. These books have left an indelible mark on the literary world, thanks to their plots, memorable characters, thought-provoking themes, unique writing styles, and novel elements. They also possess the potential to profoundly impact readers’ lives.

These books lead readers on explorations of the unconscious, journeys toward personal legend and meaning, and unveil human history through powerful narratives. They underscore literature’s enduring wisdom.

Whether you’re an avid book lover or a seeker of profound insights, consider delving into these five books. Let them guide you on a self-discovery journey. Like countless others, you might be forever transformed by their literary magic. Moreover, as the renowned writer Jorge Luis Borges envisioned, “Paradise will be a kind of library.” These books exemplify the enduring power of literature to shape our minds, hearts, and lives.

Fahmida Yesmin

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